Let’s quit being so narcissistic

       My cell phone has Siri to tell me how to spell and define a word. It’s a word that I have heard of but have never used before, because it has a mean spirited sound to it. Narcissistic according to Siri means having an excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one’s self appearance. I think that our moral society today is suffering from a case of it and we’ve got to figure a way out or our society as we know it today might start wearing a disheveled cloak. I’m fearful that our nation of 332,000,000 million people that have governed themselves for 239 years with it’s many faceted freedoms, which is quite remarkable and It would be a very sad ending if we expire by our own narcissistic travails leaving behind a magnificent experiment on how to mix people of different races, religions and backgrounds then give them free rein to govern themselves. I believe it has worked better than any other human experiment on how to get along with your neighbor.  What would be most disappointing is  to have some historian years from now say, “The demise of this land and its people was not from some catastrophic war but by an amoral society, much like the disappearance of a decadent Roman Empire two millennia ago. 

             We have a document already that protects our freedoms everyday that if we just continue to believe in its magnificence, that for 239 years has served us all, so very well. Soooo I want all of you that are still with me. Let’s renew our allegiance to the preamble to our U.S. CONSTITUTION because for me it’s a damn good document that lays out what to expect our government to provide for all of us. 

              We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

        I hope you will all take note that the preamble to the constitution doesn’t use the word I in the preamble or in the constitution one time, it only says that our government will provide an environment where you can be free to practice the constitution and it’s 7 articles and 27 amendments, without fear that you will be thrown in jail, no matter how crazy, unorthodox, unpopular and zany your ideas may be. What the constitution doesn’t guarantee is all the, I want, I deserve, rhetoric like: “I’m taking the day off, I don’t like making commitments because they tie me down, I will do as I damn well please.” I don’t think that the constitution or any other document that’s been written can protect narcissistic behavior over the long haul. Only the golden rule, telling the truth, your word of honor, courtesy and there’s many more giving ways that are necessary for a society especially ours where freedom of choice is the law of the land to remain at its zenith. So let’s quit taking our constitutional freedoms for granted and start spreading a message of giving and caring for one another and we can start this change with but a smile. 

                           See Ya, 




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